Friday 26 July 2019

Details In Train Tickets

This article will help you read tickets quickly and make sure you’ve not made a mistake when booking your ticket – or potentially boarding the wrong train.

While the ticket’s design itself might vary (it might be reddish or white instead of blue, and lack advertisements on the sides), the information on the ticket will be in the same format as the one above. 

I’ve marked all the important sections of the ticket in numbered boxes, which I will now explain:

Box 1 (Red): The Passenger Name Record (PNR).  This is a unique ten-digit number printed on the top-left corner of your ticket and is very important, especially if you’ve booked in First AC Sleeper/First Class Non-AC, or if your ticket is in the RAC/waitlist.  It is this number you will have to enter on the Indian Railways website or Erail to check the status of your ticket.  It is always a good idea to note down the PNR numbers of your tickets; in the eventuality of you losing your ticket or it being torn, providing your ticket’s PNR number to railway officials will make it far simpler for them to verify that your problem is genuine.

Box 2 (Green): Mentions the train number, date of journey and distance travelled, along with the number of adults (passengers over 12 years old) and children (passengers between 5 and 12 years old) travelling.  Children below the age of 5 travel free and while their details are stored on the railways’ database, their names will not appear on the ticket.

Box 3 (Blue): The number of your ticket, not to be confused with the PNR number.  Not very important, but just make sure the ticket number printed on your ticket is identical to the number stencilled on it.

Box 4 (Orange): Displays the class of travel of your ticket along with your origin and destination.

Box 5 (Purple): Mentions your coach and seat/berth numbers.  The coach number (in this case A2) is displayed first, followed by your seat or berth numbers (in this case, 19 and 20) as well as the type of seat/berth allotted.

Box 6 (Yellow): The genders and ages of the passengers travelling.  M = Male, F = Female.  Counter-bought tickets do not mention the names of the passengers travelling.  This is a security feature.  If, for example, you lose your ticket, somebody who finds your ticket will not be able to cancel it and collect the refund, unless they somehow manage to guess the passengers’ names.

Box 7 (Grey): The total fare of the ticket in figures and words, including reservation fees, superfast surcharges (if applicable) and service tax.  The amount displayed is for the whole ticket, not per passenger.

Box 8 (Pink): The name of the train you’re taking.  No idea why it’s all the way at the bottom.

Box 9 (Lime Green): Mentions when your train leaves your origin station and reaches your destination.  In the example ticket posted at the top, the train leaves my origin (Amritsar) on the 26th of October at 8.10 am, reaching my destination (New Delhi) the same day at 4.25 pm.

I hope this article will be more helpful for you.Continue reading other articles available in this blog.

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